Show Your Stripes Day Highlights Immediate Need for Climate Crisis Action
21 June 2023

On this Show Your Stripes Day, we delve into the implications of climate crisis. The stripes in our graphic represent the annual temperatures in London, where our headquarters are located at, from 1850 to 2022. Each stripe's color signifies the temperature of a single year, painting a heartbreaking picture of our warming planet.

IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report notes a significant increase of 1.1°C in global surface temperature above the baseline of 1850–1900, observed from 2011–2020. Recent reports from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) highlight extraordinary temperatures both on land and at sea. Global-mean surface air temperatures for the first days of June 2023 were the highest for the time of year in the data record of the EuropeanUnion 's Copernicus Climate Change Service. Moreover, the ocean, which absorbs more than 90% of excess energy from human activities, has seen record-breaking temperatures. The global ocean temperature hit a record high in May for the second consecutive month.

The escalating climate crisis is no longer a distant threat but a stark reality, especially evident in the Mediterranean region. The region's countries, including but not limited to Turkiye, Greece, Italy and Spain, are witnessing an alarming surge in extreme weather conditions and wildfires, a distressing testament to the intensifying global warming. The escalating frequency and intensity of these wildfires wreak immediate havoc on the environment, while also posing long-term threats to the region's biodiversity and the livelihoods of its inhabitants.

The stripes on our graphic are a visual testament to the urgency of our mission. It's imperative that we reduce greenhousegas emissions, transition to sustainable energy sources, and implement effective climate adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate crisis.